Ọkụ na-ere ọkụ maka ihe nchekwa ihe mkpuchi achara - ite cylinder 375ml dị ogologo - nkọwa nke Ant Glass:
Oghere ite cylinder dị ogologo nke 375ml nke Ant bottle dị mma maka ụdị nri dị iche iche gụnyere pickles, olive, sauces, jams, sauces, herbs na ngwa nri. na akwa akwa. 375ml ite iko bụ ihe a ma ama maka ọdịdị ha. Na-egosipụta oghere sara mbara na ahụ dị gịrịgịrị, ite ndị a dị mfe iji mejupụta ebe ha na-ebuli oghere shelf.
Foto nkọwa ngwaahịa:
Ntuziaka ngwaahịa emetụtara:
Our Enterprise aims to operating faithfully, serving to all of our prospects , and working in new technology and new machine often for Hot Selling for Bamboo Lid Glass Storage Jar - 375ml iko ogologo cylinder ite – Ant Glass , The ngwaahịa ga-ezitekwara niile n'elu. ụwa, dị ka: Italy, Los Angeles, Chile, Company aha, bụ mgbe niile banyere àgwà dị ka ụlọ ọrụ s ntọala, na-achọ maka mmepe site elu ogo nke ntụkwasị obi , rube isi ISO quality management ụkpụrụ siri, eke. ụlọ ọrụ dị elu site na mmụọ nke ọganihu-na-egosipụta eziokwu na nchekwube.
Nke a bụ ụlọ ọrụ na-akwụwa aka ọtọ na ntụkwasị obi, teknụzụ na akụrụngwa dị oke elu na ngwaahịa ahụ zuru oke, enweghị nchekasị na ntinye. Site Edwina si Swansea - 2018.05.15 10:52
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