Feme ka kotloloho 375ml Rum Glass Bottle - 250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap – Ant Glass

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Khampani ea rona e tsitlallela ho latela leano la boleng ba "sehlahisoa se setle ke motheo oa ho phela ha khoebo; ho phethahala ha bareki e tla ba ntlha ea bohlokoa le qetello ea k'hamphani; ntlafatso e phehellang ke ho lelekisa basebetsi ka ho sa feleng" hape ke sepheo se tsitsitseng sa "botumo pele haholo". , shopper pele" bakeng saBotlolo ea Khalase ea Premium 500cc , khalase Marasca botlolo , khalase ea botlolo ea lebese, Amohela ho pota lefatše bareki ho bua le rona bakeng sa mokhatlo le tšebelisano ea nako e telele. Re tla ba molekane oa hau ea tsebahalang le morekisi oa libaka tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa China.
Feme ka kotloloho 375ml Rum Glass Bottle - 250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap – Ant Glass Detail:

250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap e tsebahala ka setaele se sekhuts'oane ntle le chebahalo ea hae. Libotlolo tsena tsa veine tse hlakileng li entsoe ka khalase ea lejoe le thata, li na le sekoti, mahetla a thellang.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Feme ka kotloloho 375ml Rum Glass Bottle - 250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap – Ant Glass details

Feme ka kotloloho 375ml Rum Glass Bottle - 250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap – Ant Glass details

Feme ka kotloloho 375ml Rum Glass Bottle - 250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap – Ant Glass details

Feme ka kotloloho 375ml Rum Glass Bottle - 250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap – Ant Glass details

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Ka ho sebelisa lenaneo le felletseng la taolo ea boleng bo holimo ba mahlale, bolumeli ba boleng bo holimo le bo makatsang, re hapile rekoto e ntle mme ra hapa sebaka sena bakeng sa Fektheri ka kotloloho 375ml Rum Glass Bottle - 250ml Glass Flat Clear Liquor Flask With Aluminium Cap - Ant Glass , Sehlahisoa se tla phepelo ho lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Southampton, Porto, Spain, Re tsitlella molao-motheo oa "Mokoloto e le oa mantlha, bareki e le morena le Boleng ba ho ba ba molemo ka ho fetisisa", re lebelletse tšebelisano 'moho le metsoalle eohle ho lapeng le kantle ho naha mme re tla theha bokamoso bo khanyang ba khoebo.
  • Mathata a ka rarolloa ka potlako le ka katleho, ho bohlokoa ho tšepana le ho sebetsa 'moho. 5 Linaleli Ka Alexander ho tsoa Russia - 2017.07.28 15:46
    Enoa ke morekisi ea hloahloa haholo, re lula re tla k'hamphaning ea bona bakeng sa theko, boleng bo botle le theko e tlase. 5 Linaleli Ka Natividad ho tloha Detroit - 2017.08.18 18:38
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona
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